The European approach must enable our students to show tolerance, cooperation and collaboration with each other. One of our main goals will be to make our students acquire the rights and responsibilities so that they feel full citizens of the world they will build. In the course of lifelong learning, students will have to find their place regardless of age, gender, ethnic group, cultural background or social level. In this project, we want to make pupils, teachers, school actors and families aware of the importance of building a generation that wants to create, produce and feel responsible. They will have to make sense of their lives according to their wishes and abilities.
The project will cover many areas, so that students will increase their artistic skills, learning, motivation, entrepreneurship, creative thinking, digital skills and active citizenship.
Children from all countries will co-operate in common activities, assist each other in activities that will help respect cultural diversity and develop empathy.
Children will have many advantages as this project will have a common goal. The intention of the project is to share and celebrate best practices in all partner schools. All participants will appreciate cultural differences and will see that each country has different approaches to teaching and learning. The project also aims to promote tolerance and respect for other cultures.
In order to do this, we must promote diversity and cultural wealth, offer our students the benefits of communication technologies through digital use, better understand foreign language learning, help students in difficulty or in a situation of disability.
We will discuss our professional practices, taking particular account of the innovative pedagogical actions.
We will also seek to improve the content and pedagogical evaluation of learning so that all pupils can progress at their own pace according to the proposed tool, thanks to a collaboration of ideas between all the teachers involved in this project.
Membership of European citizenship will also be a driving force behind the project. European construction has enabled and will enable our students to actively participate in the work around memory and the transmission of democratic and republican values.